If you are using our website, you agree to the following conditions. This content may be amended according to changes in the laws and regulations to which our business is subject and then republished here. Responsibility for staying abreast of changes in content rests with the users who receive the service.
Palmira Hotel has explicitly stated the content and scope of the services it provides on the site. The customer may not make any claim due to the fact that characteristics not stated in this content is not included within the scope of service.
The pre-reservation form that you filled out on our website will be kept in your hotel records and used to provide you with faster service. This information is confidential and can only be viewed by authorized personnel.
Palmira Hotel is not responsible as a legal entity for how other websites accessible from our website via advertisements, banners or links from content use information, their ethical principles, confidentiality policies, service quality or features, nor is it responsible for pecuniary / non-pecuniary damages or loss that may occur on these sites.